Our Services
Serving Collin, Dallas, Denton, Ellis, Johnson, Parker, Rockwall, and Tarrant counties.
Counseling Services
Individual Counseling
Just about anyone can benefit from Individual Counseling. For many, that help may come from friends, family members, significant others, etc., but in some cases, help is needed from a trained professional. Our goal is to provide an open, supportive, and confidential environment for you to address the issues that are concerning you.
Family Counseling
You may be struggling to redefine your relationship with your former partner, as well as helping your child(ren) cope. Find out what you can do to better manage the challenges associated with divorce and/or a family separation.
Couples Counseling
Couples therapy is a vehicle for solving problems and conflicts that two people in a relationship have not been able to resolve on their own. The goal is to help develop a better understanding of yourself and your partner, to decide if you need and want to make changes, and if so, help you make those changes.
Reunification Counseling
Reintegration Therapy, also commonly known as Reunification Counseling for strained and/or damaged parent-child relationships. There are various reasons in which relationships can become strained resulting in a child resisting and/or refusing contact with a parent.